IF YOU HAVE USED A SPECIAL/CLUB CALLSIGN, first type the special/Club callsign without any "/", its acronym, city and e-mail address. Then, click on "Add Call" and insert data for each Team member.

IF YOU HAVE USED YOUR PERSONAL CALLSIGN, please fill in the form typing your callsign, forename, surname and e-mail address. EACH ACTIVATOR HAS TO FILL IN THE FORM INDEPENDENTLY.

Just in case of an activity with a special/Club callsign:
click on  Add Call to add Team members' data

* Upload log in ADIF format

* Select the reference:

* Date of the activity.

Please, insert the starting date of the operations only

* Upload a picture for the customized Certificate of Attendance (JPG only)

This picture will be inserted into the Certificate of ALL the Team members

* Upload a picture of the lighthouse (JPG only)

Additional picture (JPG only)

QSL (JPG only)

Insert a YouTube link of your activity



By clicking the SEND button, you agree with the WAIL Manager (on behalf of ARI Genova) to use the e-mail address with the only aim to deliver your customised Certificate of Attendance.
Your e-mail address will NOT be recorded in any database managed by WAIL and it will NOT be given to any third part.
For any improper use of your e-mail address it may arise, the WAIL Manager and ARI Genova will NOT be responsible.

WAIL - Worked All Italian Lighthouses
© 2013- Copyright Andrea Nuzzi IZ8WNH